Modernizing Our Democracy: The Political and Policy Implications of the Digital Age - led by Matt Lira


Week Four: The Revolution Wasn’t Televised

During this week, we will explore the transition from the era of television-centric politics towards digital-centric platforms.  For the past half-century, television has been the dominant force in American political life, giving rise to sound bite politics and ever-increasing fundraising to pay for ads.  Over the past decade, the way our society communicates has been undergoing a fundamental transformation, challenging traditional campaign tactics and altering the balance between mass communication and mass engagement.

  • What have been the impacts of this transformation on political campaigns?  
  • How is it changing which candidates succeed?  
  • How is television’s decline changing the power structure in Washington?  
  • What are the benefits of moving away from broadcast-based politics to engagement-based politics?  
  • What are the risks?   
Guests: Joe Trippi, Democratic campaign strategist
Dorrance Smith, former producer, ABC News Nightline; former assistance secretary of defense
Room: Faculty Dining Room, HKS


***All study groups are off-the-record and not for media coverage***