Susan Eisenhower

Fall 1998

Susan Eisenhower is President of the Eisenhower Group, Inc., a Washington, DC-based consulting firm. Along with her consulting work, Ms. Eisenhower is also the founder and chairman of the Center for Political and Strategic Studies, formerly the Center for Post-Soviet Studies. She has concentrated more than twelve years of her career on U.S.-Soviet and then U.S-Russian relations. In the late spring of 1998, Ms. Eisenhower was elected to the National Academy of Sciences' standing Committee on International Security and Arms Control. Eisenhower's first professional experience was as a writer. She has penned hundreds of op-eds and articles on foreign and domestic policy for publications such as The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and USA Today. Ms. Eisenhower first came to Washington in 1984 as a member of the senior staff of Burson-Marsteller.

Disclaimer: This information is accurate for the time period that this person was affiliated with the Institute of Politics.
